You're now ready to start learning about the other pieces in the game.

First, we're going to look at the ROOK.

This is what a ROOK does.

It moves backwards, forwards or sideways as far as it likes.

These are the squares it can move to on an empty board. Count them: there are 14.

Anywhere you put the ROOK on the board it can move to 14 squares.

You know that the PAWN moves forwards and captures diagonally.

The ROOK, like all the other pieces, captures the same way as it moves.

If there's another piece of the same colour in its way it cannot move to or beyond that square.

If there's an enemy piece in its way it can CAPTURE it but it cannot move any further.

In this diagram the ROOK can move to all the squares marked with a circle.

It can CAPTURE either the Black pawn on b4 or the Black pawn on e5.

The ROOK cannot jump over other pieces. In this position the White pawn stops the ROOK moving beyond f4.

Note also that if the ROOK moved to d4 or f4 it would be CAPTURED by the Black pawn on e5, so those moves would be dangerous.

Easy, isn't it? Let's see how much you can remember.

That's the end of the lesson.

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